The Kaiāulu Hale is a community center most often used used as a hālau hula ("hālau" being Hawaiian for "school") where Lilo, Mertle, Elena, Teresa, Yuki, and Victoria (the last of whom joined later) go to learn the traditional hula dance and many other Hawaiian-based topics, with Stitch often coming along and accompanying Lilo for support. Their kumu hula (hula teacher) and instructor is Moses Puloki. Lucas Bustos Adame
The Kaiāulu Hale is a community center most often used used as a hālau hula ("hālau" being Hawaiian for "school") where Lilo, Mertle, Elena, Teresa, Yuki, and Victoria (the last of whom joined later) go to learn the traditional hula dance and many other Hawaiian-based topics, with Stitch often coming along and accompanying Lilo for support. Their kumu hula (hula teacher) and instructor is Moses Puloki. Lucas Bustos Adame
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