It is based on the true story of Ramon Sampedro, a writer and former sailor who is left quadriplegic after an accident during his youth and remains bedridden for almost 30 years, a situation for which he wishes to die through the application of euthanasia. The film tells the story of Sampedro's struggle to get the law to recognize his right to die.
It is based on the true story of Ramon Sampedro, a writer and former sailor who is left quadriplegic after an accident during his youth and remains bedridden for almost 30 years, a situation for which he wishes to die through the application of euthanasia. The film tells the story of Sampedro's struggle to get the law to recognize his right to die.
Pelis de España
394Pelis de España
454Pelis de España
558Pelis de España
587Pelis de España
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